Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection, Week two

This week I learned felt like an actual employee of the shop. I learned more in depth about the filing system, and how they keep the floor updated. I learned how difficult it is to keep track of everyones bikes that are brought in for tune ups. I learned how to organize the bikes in the racks, and make them easier for costumers to find. I learned what goes into selling a used bike to someone who has pretty specific wants and needs.    
I also learned about how to re stock the storage shelves, and re do the display shelves. I also learned about how to communicate with the public, and help promote the shop. I learned what goes into checking used bikes for re selling, and making sure they are safe. I also learned about being a salesperson. I had to help sell helmets and other various parts to people during the used bike swap.
I enjoy what I have been doing a lot. I feel very much at home in the shop around all the bikes. I like keeping the bikes organized, and the shelves stocked. I think I am asked to do the things I do because it is somewhat easy, and they other guys in the shop don’t need to spend much time teaching me how to do those things. I was surprised by the way I communicated with people during the bike swap, and how I felt like I was helping people even though I didn’t know all that much about it. I think I have become more confident about my knowledge around bikes and in communicating with costumers.

Day Nine, May 22.

Today was my last day at the shop. The used bike swap was going on so it was an early and busy day. I arrived at 8 30, and began bringing out all the bikes. We had to bring all the repaired bikes out back, and figure out a way to set them all up without a rack. The tent was set up, and overflowing with bikes. I washed the bikes for the day, and started helping out around the shop. I helped find bikes for people, and keep bikes organized. I helped fit helmets for people, and helped people choose the best helmets for them. I helped find various parts for people, and did whatever I could to help people. I helped out in the tent making sure people were all set and finding the bikes they wanted. When the shop started to quiet down around lunch, said goodbye and thanks to everyone, and headed back to school.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Day Eight, Friday May 21 2010

Today I got to the shop, and started bringing bikes out right away. The tent was set up already, and partially full of donated bikes. I finished taking the bikes outside, and started finding a way to set up the repaired bikes without using the stands. Once all the bikes were set up, I went thru the friday bike files, and pulled all the to be washed bikes out. I got out all the washing supplies and began de greasing and washing all the bikes. I washed all the bikes, and headed back in. I took off a wheel and seat from a junker as salvage parts. I headed up front to see what I could help with, and found nothing to do. I headed out to the tent where people were donating, and consigning their bikes. I checked over a bunch of bikes to make sure they were working good enough to be sold or traded. I made sure the bikes wheels were somewhat true, and everything was tight and safe to ride. After I checked them over, there wasn't anything for me to do, so I headed back to school.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Seven, May 19th 2010

Today it was a dreary rainy day. When I arrived at the shop, we started bringing bikes outside. We brought out the usuals onto the front porch. Because it was raining, we tried to stuff the rest of the bikes out on the covered front porch. We got most of them out, and had to put a few of the used ones out in the rain. I headed back, and stared finding the days bikes that needed to be cleaned. I found most of them and set out to begin cleaning. I realized we ran out of de greaser and I went inside and told Bill. I realized it was almost time to head downtown. Tim, Kyle and I got into the S&W van, and headed downtown to the square for a commuter bike week. We drove to the square, and somehow Tim backed the van up in the smallest space. We got out with the tool box, some stickers and a few flyers for tune ups. We also had a wheel to show people how to change flats. Unfortunately not many people showed up because of the rain. We got to eat mini burritos that were warm. We talked to some people and gave out discount coupons for tune ups. We after a couple of hours, we packed up and headed back to the shop. We picked up some bikes that were built and brought them to the shop. I brought the bikes upstairs into storage. By the time I finished that stuff, it was time to head back to school.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day Six, Tuesday May 18th 2010.

Today I got stuck behind a very slow driver and was worried I was going to be late. Luckily I got to the shop on time, and headed in. I brought the bikes out on the front porch with Reggie. Next we brought out the used for sale bikes and set them all up on the racks. After all the bikes were set up, I started cleaning bikes. I struggled to find all the bikes that were in for tune ups, but eventually I got them all outside and started cleaning. I cleaned the bikes untill around noon, and then came inside. I re arranged the fitness hybrid bike rack, into makes, models and women's or mens specific. Just as I finished a woman came in to look at a used road bike. I tagged along as Rick helped adjust and attempt to fit the bike to her size. A big order of new helmets came, and we started organizing them and replacing the old helmets on display. I brought the books from the shelves upstairs, and re organized the shelves upstairs so all the boots would fit.  After we got all the helmets taken care of, it was time to head back to campus.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day Five: Monday May 17th

Today I arrived at the shop, ready to work. I had an iced coffee instead today because I knew it was going to be a hot one. I brought out all the bikes with the help of Rick and soon the shop was open for business. I gathered the days bikes, with some of the days before bikes for cleaning. Normally I have to bring the bucket of washing supplies out and set up the stand for the bikes before I begin washing. Today the bucket was missing in action. I scoured the mechanics area looking for the bucket but it was nowhere to be found. I started washing the bikes with just the hose and the one brush I could find. Bill came out to see how it was going, and we decided for me to run out and pick up some new cleaning supplies. I went up front, got money from Rick and headed out to the store. I got some car wash concentrate and some Greased Lightening de greaser. I got back to the shop, and started cleaning. I cleaned 15 bikes I think, and got all caught up. By the time I was finished cleaning it was just about time to head out. I brought in the bucket of cleaning stuff, and set off on my way back to school.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekly Summary Week One

This week was the first week of my senior project. I learned alot of stuff about how bike shops work. I 
started out learning the small stuff about how they set the bikes up outside of the shop. I learned they set the recumbent and bikes with kickstands up to the left of the doors, and the bikes without kickstands to the right of the door on the front porch. On the side, we set up the used bikes that are for sale. kids bikes to one side, next to bikes with kickstands, and bikes without kickstands in the racks to the other side. In the back of the shop, the repaired bikes are set up outside.
I learned the way that the mechanics clean the bikes in the morning before they are worked on. Having a clean, mostly greaseless bike makes assessing and fixing problems much easier. I learned how the filing system works so each employee knows which bikes they have in stock. I think I was asked to clean the bikes because it is pretty easy, and no one really wants to do it. 
Everything went pretty much as I expected it to. There wasn't any big surprises to me. I will feel much more comfortable around the shop next week because I know what goes on, and what has to go on for the shop to run smoothly. Next week I will be able to help with everything better and be a better intern around the shop. I am excited for my second week at the shop, and hope I will get to learn even more. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Four. Friday May 14th

Today when I got to the shop, no one was their except Tim. I finished my muffin in the car, and headed in. Once inside I immediately started working. I put my coffee down and started bringing the repaired bikes outside to the racks. Two kids showed up for a job shadowing, and were sent with me to help out. I felt like a real employee because I knew what I was doing and helped show the kids around. We finished bringing those bikes out, and the kids went to help with other things. Next I brought the to be tuned bikes outside, and lined up the ones for being washed. I washed bikes for a while, and washed my bike quickly. I came in and went upstairs to organize the stored bikes. I made sure all the bikes had their handlebars turned to the side so they could be stored easier. After all the bikes were organized, I grabbed a broom to sweep the showroom floor. By the time I swept everything, it was time to head back to school.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day Three, Thursday May 13th

Today was my third day at the shop. I felt more comfortable being in the shop. I showed up just as everyone else was arriving. I walked in, and immediately began bringing bikes outside onto the porch. I felt like I knew what I was doing when setting up the bikes this time. After setting up all of the bikes, I asked the mechanics what I could do, and I was put to work cleaning bikes again. I was given a lot of bikes to clean this time, but I was ready. I cleaned a very nice and I'm guessing very expensive road bike first, and then a few everyday bikes. I spent a while on a kids bike that seemed to have gotten covered in grease. After cleaning the bikes, I walked into the shop and said I was finished. They were all surprised at how quick I was cleaning the bikes and couldn't think of anything else for me to do. I headed up front and asked Rick. He showed me where they kept all their tubes for tires, and gave me the job of organizing them. I never realized how many different types of tubes there actually was. After organizing them, and buying two for my bike, I was finished. Rick gave me a clipboard, and I scoured all the bikes to find the ones without price tags. I wrote down the models, so I could price check them all and write up price tags. I searched through the files to find the prices and made price tags. I tagged the bikes without price tags and finished just in time to head out to grab some food before I headed back for lacrosse.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

day two, tuesday may 11th 2010.

This morning I arrived at the shop, coffee in hand, ready to be put to work. I was prepared to wash bikes again, which I enjoyed even though it was cold and wet. I started off, again meeting new people and was put right to work. I began by putting bikes outside on the porch and on the side of the shop for display and pick up. After all the bikes were out, I changed a flat on a bike on the display floor. Rick taught me a new trick I had never heard of before for changing flats. Next, I returned the wheel to its rightful bike, and helped rick bring newly built bikes up for storage. I was surprised at how many bikes they have not on the floor. Next I learned the filling system they use to keep track of which bikes they have. I worked with Aaron and built up a bmx bike out of the box. I built another bike before the trek rep showed up. I ate a slice of the pizza he brought for everyone, and sat in on a trek info session about the changes to the new 2010 bikes. I had to leave part way through to get back for lacrosse.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Day One : Monday, May 5th 2010

Today was my first day at S&W for senior project. I arrived just before 9:30, standing outside realizing I didn't know where to go, I called the shop but only got their after hours answering service. Luckily one of the mechanics was admiring the fallen trees in the back, and he walked me inside and found Rick. Rick assigned me to cleaning bikes. I de-greased the rear end of the bike, then the middle, then the front end. Rinsed everything, and then scrubbed everything down with a soapy sponge. After washing many bikes, I headed inside to do something else. I helped Tom take inventory of the Park Tool tool rack. I began to learn how all the filling works, and what goes into a bike check prior to a tune up. I helped with some assembling of a new bike before it was time to head back to school for lacrosse.