Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day Three, Thursday May 13th

Today was my third day at the shop. I felt more comfortable being in the shop. I showed up just as everyone else was arriving. I walked in, and immediately began bringing bikes outside onto the porch. I felt like I knew what I was doing when setting up the bikes this time. After setting up all of the bikes, I asked the mechanics what I could do, and I was put to work cleaning bikes again. I was given a lot of bikes to clean this time, but I was ready. I cleaned a very nice and I'm guessing very expensive road bike first, and then a few everyday bikes. I spent a while on a kids bike that seemed to have gotten covered in grease. After cleaning the bikes, I walked into the shop and said I was finished. They were all surprised at how quick I was cleaning the bikes and couldn't think of anything else for me to do. I headed up front and asked Rick. He showed me where they kept all their tubes for tires, and gave me the job of organizing them. I never realized how many different types of tubes there actually was. After organizing them, and buying two for my bike, I was finished. Rick gave me a clipboard, and I scoured all the bikes to find the ones without price tags. I wrote down the models, so I could price check them all and write up price tags. I searched through the files to find the prices and made price tags. I tagged the bikes without price tags and finished just in time to head out to grab some food before I headed back for lacrosse.

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