Friday, May 14, 2010

Day Four. Friday May 14th

Today when I got to the shop, no one was their except Tim. I finished my muffin in the car, and headed in. Once inside I immediately started working. I put my coffee down and started bringing the repaired bikes outside to the racks. Two kids showed up for a job shadowing, and were sent with me to help out. I felt like a real employee because I knew what I was doing and helped show the kids around. We finished bringing those bikes out, and the kids went to help with other things. Next I brought the to be tuned bikes outside, and lined up the ones for being washed. I washed bikes for a while, and washed my bike quickly. I came in and went upstairs to organize the stored bikes. I made sure all the bikes had their handlebars turned to the side so they could be stored easier. After all the bikes were organized, I grabbed a broom to sweep the showroom floor. By the time I swept everything, it was time to head back to school.

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