Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day Six, Tuesday May 18th 2010.

Today I got stuck behind a very slow driver and was worried I was going to be late. Luckily I got to the shop on time, and headed in. I brought the bikes out on the front porch with Reggie. Next we brought out the used for sale bikes and set them all up on the racks. After all the bikes were set up, I started cleaning bikes. I struggled to find all the bikes that were in for tune ups, but eventually I got them all outside and started cleaning. I cleaned the bikes untill around noon, and then came inside. I re arranged the fitness hybrid bike rack, into makes, models and women's or mens specific. Just as I finished a woman came in to look at a used road bike. I tagged along as Rick helped adjust and attempt to fit the bike to her size. A big order of new helmets came, and we started organizing them and replacing the old helmets on display. I brought the books from the shelves upstairs, and re organized the shelves upstairs so all the boots would fit.  After we got all the helmets taken care of, it was time to head back to campus.

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