Tuesday, May 11, 2010

day two, tuesday may 11th 2010.

This morning I arrived at the shop, coffee in hand, ready to be put to work. I was prepared to wash bikes again, which I enjoyed even though it was cold and wet. I started off, again meeting new people and was put right to work. I began by putting bikes outside on the porch and on the side of the shop for display and pick up. After all the bikes were out, I changed a flat on a bike on the display floor. Rick taught me a new trick I had never heard of before for changing flats. Next, I returned the wheel to its rightful bike, and helped rick bring newly built bikes up for storage. I was surprised at how many bikes they have not on the floor. Next I learned the filling system they use to keep track of which bikes they have. I worked with Aaron and built up a bmx bike out of the box. I built another bike before the trek rep showed up. I ate a slice of the pizza he brought for everyone, and sat in on a trek info session about the changes to the new 2010 bikes. I had to leave part way through to get back for lacrosse.

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