Friday, May 21, 2010

Day Eight, Friday May 21 2010

Today I got to the shop, and started bringing bikes out right away. The tent was set up already, and partially full of donated bikes. I finished taking the bikes outside, and started finding a way to set up the repaired bikes without using the stands. Once all the bikes were set up, I went thru the friday bike files, and pulled all the to be washed bikes out. I got out all the washing supplies and began de greasing and washing all the bikes. I washed all the bikes, and headed back in. I took off a wheel and seat from a junker as salvage parts. I headed up front to see what I could help with, and found nothing to do. I headed out to the tent where people were donating, and consigning their bikes. I checked over a bunch of bikes to make sure they were working good enough to be sold or traded. I made sure the bikes wheels were somewhat true, and everything was tight and safe to ride. After I checked them over, there wasn't anything for me to do, so I headed back to school.

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