Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Seven, May 19th 2010

Today it was a dreary rainy day. When I arrived at the shop, we started bringing bikes outside. We brought out the usuals onto the front porch. Because it was raining, we tried to stuff the rest of the bikes out on the covered front porch. We got most of them out, and had to put a few of the used ones out in the rain. I headed back, and stared finding the days bikes that needed to be cleaned. I found most of them and set out to begin cleaning. I realized we ran out of de greaser and I went inside and told Bill. I realized it was almost time to head downtown. Tim, Kyle and I got into the S&W van, and headed downtown to the square for a commuter bike week. We drove to the square, and somehow Tim backed the van up in the smallest space. We got out with the tool box, some stickers and a few flyers for tune ups. We also had a wheel to show people how to change flats. Unfortunately not many people showed up because of the rain. We got to eat mini burritos that were warm. We talked to some people and gave out discount coupons for tune ups. We after a couple of hours, we packed up and headed back to the shop. We picked up some bikes that were built and brought them to the shop. I brought the bikes upstairs into storage. By the time I finished that stuff, it was time to head back to school.

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