Monday, May 10, 2010

Day One : Monday, May 5th 2010

Today was my first day at S&W for senior project. I arrived just before 9:30, standing outside realizing I didn't know where to go, I called the shop but only got their after hours answering service. Luckily one of the mechanics was admiring the fallen trees in the back, and he walked me inside and found Rick. Rick assigned me to cleaning bikes. I de-greased the rear end of the bike, then the middle, then the front end. Rinsed everything, and then scrubbed everything down with a soapy sponge. After washing many bikes, I headed inside to do something else. I helped Tom take inventory of the Park Tool tool rack. I began to learn how all the filling works, and what goes into a bike check prior to a tune up. I helped with some assembling of a new bike before it was time to head back to school for lacrosse.

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